A timely and contemporary twist on iconic imagery. • Father Time, our beloved symbol of patience and wisdom, in dynamic collaboration with a 21st century Mother Earth, a symbolic vision of strength and compassion. • Earth here is carried on the capable shoulders of Atlas in feminine form, modern woman evolved from a historically soft, nurturing image to the incumbent keeper of our planet. • Intersecting figures in the round offer multifaceted concepts. Approaching from the diagonal, we confront woman, mother, capable custodian of Earth, from the East or west, man, father, keeper of the passage of time. • At quarter angle view, we address the transformation, literally half man, half woman, half time, half earth, working in unison, a symbiotic collaborative of Earth, Time and HumanKIND. The images inspiring Earth, Time and HumanKIND are grand abstracted notions referencing sacred geometry, the strength and resilience of earth and its people, concepts on time, universal consciousness, health, vitality, longevity, equality, environment and one world.